As a certified Lifecode Gx® practitioner, I offer nutrigenomics testing to all my clients.
Nutrigenomic testing enables a preventative, proactive and truly personalised approach to health and wellbeing by looking in detail at your DNA - the chemical instructions present in every cell that make you who you are and drive every function in your body. Your biological code doesn’t just determine your gender, hair colour, and eye colour, it tells the body how to do absolutely EVERYTHING! Every second of every day.
By looking at your comprehensive report(s), we can identify small but significant common variations in your genetic make-up (‘SNPs’ - Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) that combine to pose your unique inherent biological strengths, challenges, and weaknesses. Nutrigenomics enables a holistic understanding of how nutrition and lifestyle factors, such as nutrient insufficiencies, sleep, stress, physical activity, and toxic exposure may be specifically impacting your health and wellbeing. We can then consider how you can make changes to support your body and work with it, rather than against it.
Nutrigenomics testing is available to all clients, following initial consultation(s). Follow-up explanatory consultation(s) (required) are charged extra.*
Nutrigenomics testing fees include*:
1 Report
1 report- £245 - £220 for a limited time only.
3 Reports
3 reports - £565 - £465 for a limited time only.
*Follow-up consultation(s) to explain and discuss your results are charged extra. Nutrigenomics testing requires professional interpretation and analysis, so reports are not available as standalone tests.
Fees subject to change.
A simple, non-invasive mouth swab that is easy to do at home using the DNA test kit supplied.
The reports look at your DNA and highlight any common genetic variations (SNPs) that occur in at least 1% of the population and result in differences in biological function, e.g., nervous system function, hormone balance, detoxification ability, that may affect your health and wellbeing. The reports do not measure the products of those functions, such as blood levels of hormones. Other functional tests can therefore be run alongside nutrigenomics, e.g., Functional blood panel, DUTCH.
The genotyping methodology used is at least 99.9% accurate. Results that fail quality control are not reported (shown as ‘no result’). The science behind the interpretation is fully referenced in each report.
No, there are no scary diagnoses. Very specific genetic mutations that are extensive and highly predictive of a particular medical condition are run by the NHS (or other healthcare providers) to investigate for disease diagnoses. The beauty of nutrigenomics is that all reported genes can be supported through nutrition and lifestyle.
Safeguarding your data is a priority. All data is stored securely by Lifecode Gx®, protected using the highest industry standards, and the minimum client data is held for the minimum amount of time. On receipt, samples are allocated a barcode, and all other client identification is removed. The test is used only to create the reports which are shared solely with Lifecode Gx® senior staff and me as the ordering practitioner. Each test is processed in an ISO-certified UK laboratory and all samples are destroyed after 3 months. Client genotyping data is destroyed by 6 months. Client reports, data and DNA sample are never (and never will be) shared with or sold to any third parties.