Nutritional therapy is an investment in the precious assets of your health, wellness, and happiness, and you will be rewarded with what you put in.
I work with all clients on a one-to-one basis, utilising a broad spectrum of dietary and lifestyle advice to support a variety of health concerns, physical conditions, and general wellbeing. I have particular interests in mental health and the symptoms of perimenopause, including anxiety, low mood, mood swings, and stress and burnout. I also work with clients struggling with autoimmune conditions.
Before working with new clients, I offer a complimentary 30-minute video call so we can discuss your specific needs, goals, and expectations, and check that my practice is right for you. If you are unsure if I work with your specific symptoms or concerns, please drop me an email at before booking.
What next?
Book a no-obligation complimentary discovery call so we can explore how I can support you. Get in touch if the date or time you are looking for is not available, or if you have any immediate questions.
In order to start our work together, you will complete comprehensive online health assessment questionnaires and book your initial consultation.
Your initial consultation will take place online and last approximately two hours in total. This can be split into two sessions, a day or so apart. We will dive into what brought you to where you are today, establish your goals and expectations for our work together, and discuss any relevant functional tests*.
Testing is optional. It can be invaluable for building a clearer clinical picture, and may include complete functional blood panels, salivary stress and adrenal function, comprehensive stool analysis, and nutrigenomic genetic testing.
Following your initial consultation(s), I will collate and research your case and personalise a plan for our work together. We will meet online for four or more one-hour follow-up consultations. tailored to your individual needs and goals. We will explore the possible root cause(s) of your issues/condition and I will support you to make meaningful, manageable, and sustainable nutrition and lifestyle changes.
* Private testing will be quoted extra and is not included in consultation or package fees. I work with trusted laboratories including Functional DX, Lifecode Gx, Genova Diagnostics, Regenerus Laboratories, Invivo Healthcare, Precision Analytical (DUTCH), and Cyrex Laboratories.
Nutritional therapy is not a replacement for conventional medical care, but I can work collaboratively alongside GPs and/or other healthcare providers.
One-to-One Online Consultation Fees
Initial consultation (2 hours or 2 x 1 hour) - £125
Follow-up consultation (1 hour) - £70
Block of 4 follow-up consultations (4 hours @ £60 each) - £240
After minimum 4 x 1-hour follow-up consultations:
Follow-up consultations (1 hour) - £60
Check-in follow-up consultations (30 minutes) - £35